Patch 5.4: PTR-Build 17169 ³

Patch 5.4 Sha of Pride

Vergangene Nacht wurde der Build 17153 auf die Testserver für den kommenden Patch 5.4 aufgespielt. Dieses neue Update bringt neben weiteren Klassenänderungen auch erste Bilder zum T-16 Set der Schamanen und einige neue Sounddateien mit sich.

Highlights aus diesem Build:

Schamane T-16:

Neue Modelle:



Neue Glyphen:

Glyph of Curse of the Elements (NYI): Curse of the Elements hits two additional nearby targets.
Glyph of Detox (NYI): Detox heals your target for X% when it successfully removes a harmful effect.
Glyph of Devotion Aura (NYI): Devotion Aura no longer affects party or raid members, but the cooldown is reduced by X sec.
Glyph of Divine Shield (NYI): Removing harmful effects with Divine Shield heals you for X% for each effect removed.
Glyph of Expel Harm (NYI): Expel Harm can now be used on other players, but heals for X% less.
Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres (NYI): Falling below X% health will automatically summon a healing sphere near you at no cost. This effect cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.
Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice: Hand of Sacrifice now reduces damage taken by the target by 20%, but no longer redirects damage to the Paladin.
Glyph of Impaling Throws (NYI): Heroic Throw now leaves an axe in the target, which can be retrieved by moving within X yards of the target to reduce the cooldown of Heroic Throw by X sec.
Glyph of Improved Distraction (NYI): Distract now summons a decoy at the target location.
Glyph of Havoc: Havoc gains 3 additional charges, but the cooldown is increased by 35 seconds.
Glyph of Inspired Hymns: While channeling Hymns, a spirit appears above you.
Glyph of Nimble Brew (NYI): Clearing an effect with Nimble Brew heals you for X% of your maximum health.
Glyph of Pillar of Light (NYI): Critical heals on other players display a small pillar of light at their location briefly.
Glyph of Rapid Rolling: For 5 sec seconds after using Roll or Chi Torpedo, your next Roll or Chi Torpedo will go 30% farther.
Glyph of the Executor: Killing an enemy with Execute grants you 300 rage.
Glyph of the Exorcist (NYI): Exorcism will now appear to remove the evil from its target.
Glyph of the Headhunter (NYI): Abilities that throw weapons will now throw axes regardless of your currently equipped weapon.
Glyph of the Raging Whirlwind: Whirlwind gives you 15 rage over 6 sec, but for that time you no longer generate rage from autoattacks.
Glyph of the Subtle Defender: Removes the threat generation bonus from Defensive Stance.
Glyph of the Unbound Elemental: Your Water Elemental is replaced by an Unbound Water Elemental.
Glyph of the Watchful Eye (NYI): Intervene will now target the party or raid member with the lowest health within 35 yards. If you are not in a party or raid, Intervene will automatically target an active banner.
Glyph of the Weaponmaster (NYI): Your Shout abilities cause the appearance of your weapon to change to that of a random weapon from your inventory for X sec.
Glyph of Unending Resolve (NYI): The damage reduction of Unending Resolve is reduced by 20%, but the cooldown is reduced by 60000 (placeholder) sec.
Glyph of Victorious Throw: Increases the range of Victory Rush by 15 yards.

Neue Sounddateien:

Es wurden einige neue Sounddateien für die Bosskämpfe in der Belagerung von Orgrimmar gefunden. Darunter befinden sich beispielsweise die Ratschläge, die “Yshaarj” den Spielern im Kampf gegen Garrosh gibt und einige Aussagen von Hochlord Varok Saurfang. Der alte Orc wird in dem neuen Raid ebenfalls einen Auftritt haben und sich auf die Seite von Thrall und den Spielern stellen.

Zusätzlich dazu erfahren wir von Wrathion, dass es tatsächlich einen neuen Kriegshäuptling der Horde geben wird, der leider namentlich nicht genannt wurde. Außerdem scheint der schwarze Prinz diese Nachricht nicht sonderlich gut aufzunehmen, sodass in der nächsten Erweiterung seine Pläne vermutlich etwas aggressiver durchsetzen wird.

Hochlord Varok Saurfang


 König Varian Wrynn




  • Riposte now grants 75% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec, up from 50%.
  • Scent of Blood now also procs from dodges and parries.


  • Counter Shot (New) A shot that interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. Requires Ranged Weapon. 40 yd range. Instant. 24 sec cooldown.
  • Stampede tooltip was clarified to show the reduced damage is in Arenas and Battlegrounds.
  • Silencing Shot now replaces Counter Shot.


  • Brewing: Tigereye Brew now grants 1 charge per 4 Chi, up from 3. Damage and healing buff increased to 5% from 2.6%. Now stacks 30 times, up from 20. Now allows you to consume 15 stacks at a time, up from 10, for 75% increased damage, up from 26%.
  • Mastery: Bottled Fury was reworked: When you generate Tigereye Brew charges, you have a 16% chance to generate an additional charge.
  • Tigereye Brew now grants 1 charge per 4 Chi, up from 3. Damage and healing buff increased to 5% from 2.6%. Now stacks 30 times, up from 20. Now allows you to consume 15 stacks at a time, up from 10, for 75% increased damage, up from 26%.


  • Seal of Insight no longer restores mana.
  • Grand Crusader no longer procs from Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous. Now has a 30% proc chance, up from 12%.
  • Glyph of the Battle Healer was reworked: Melee attacks from Seal of Insight heal the most wounded member of your raid or party instead of you.


  • Shadowy Apparitions had the limit of 3 Apparitions removed from the tooltip, and no longer has spec specific tooltips.


  • Eviscerate had base damage decreased by 10% and AP scaling increased by 13%.
  • Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapon damage (232% if a dagger is equipped), up from 140% weapon damage (203% if a dagger is equipped).
  • Burst of Speed now costs 15 Energy, down from 30.
  • Cheat Death now reduces damage taken by 85%, up from 80%.
  • Cloak and Dagger now grants a 40 yd range to the listed abilities, up from 30.
  • Shadowstep now has a 20 sec cooldown, down from 24 sec.
  • Backstab had a 15% weapon and base damage increase.
  • Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapon damage (232% if a dagger is equipped), up from 140% weapon damage (203% if a dagger is equipped).
  • Glyph of Cheap Shot now increases duration by .5 sec, down from 1 sec.


  • Healing Rain now diminishes for each player beyond 14 in 25 player instances.
  • Healing Tide Totem now diminishes for each player beyond 12 in 25 player instances. No longer a talent. Healing reduced by 33%.
  • Rushing Streams (New) Your Healing Stream Totem now heals two targets at once for 15% additional healing. Shaman – LvL 75 Talent.
  • Purification now increases healing of Water Totems, not just Healing Stream Totem.


  • Agony had a 4% base damage and SP scaling increase.
  • Unstable Affliction had a 10% base damage and SP scaling increase.
  • Archimonde’s Vengeance was reworked: Each time you or your pet take damage, you gain 1% of the unmitigated damage taken as spell power for 20 sec.
  • Agony had a 4% base damage and SP scaling increase.
  • Drain Soul base damage reduced by 60%, SP scaling reduced by 38%, and low target health effect now causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 60% of their normal periodic damage, down from 100%.
  • Haunt had a 50% base damage and SP scaling increase. Now increases all damage done by your spells on the target by 45% for 8 sec, up from 30%.
  • Malefic Grasp had a 40% base damage and SP scaling reduction. Now causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 30% of their normal periodic damage, down from 50%.
  • Nightfall now has a 7% proc chance, down from 10%.
  • Unstable Affliction had a 10% base damage and SP scaling increase.


  • Slam had a 0 value tooltip fix.
  • Revenge now generates 20 Rage in Defensive Stance, up from 15.
  • Riposte now grants 75% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec, up from 50%.Protection Spec.
  • Glyph of Victory Rush no longer has any effect if combined with the Impending Victory talent.